Sunday, February 15, 2009
Im like laughing hysterically becos Amanda and Mae Ann are like telling me loads of lame stuffs okay! Mae Ann just told me some really funny jokes! Then i was laughing at my phone stupidly when suddenly my mum came in la! Then she asked me 'whats so funny?' Then i reply her
'cos you so pretty' HAHAH, OMG. Then she went out. And Amanda is like telling me but really weird stuffs and how stupid is art and blah blah blah! I think she made me use up all my laughter for the week already!
Oh, and after dunno how many hours of doing,
I'VE FINALLY COMPLETED MY ART PROJECT. And i finally realised how 'NICE' my drawing is. A perfect example would be like a pri 3 student! -.-"
Lastly, thanks everyone for your v day presents and cards! :) I know mine is like damn diao la. Heh, no time to buy! :D Luv you all loadssssssss! <3
Friday, February 13, 2009
Just felt like posting here suddenly. Cos no one will come here anymore. So i can vent my anger or whatever here! Hahah, smart not?! :D I hate myself now kay. Like out of no where i'll think bout some really stupid things and get myself all fed up and sad. Then blah blah blah. Then i'll go rant at Valerie again. Then i'll be okay again. This is becoming so so frequent that i think my body and emotions had already gone haywire. Screw it mansxzxzx!
And i scream at people sometimes in school too. Hah, but i did say sorry afterwards! :)
Bye Lingyi's blog. Im done talking to you. I'll be back another day.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
havent been blogging for long long long long time, yeahs. so have many many things to blog abt. but shall just summarise everything together luh, i dont wanna end up with some 1000+ words post that will bore everyone. (:Monday, 9 Junewent to alvina's house. nearly got lost in all the blocks luh. -.-" but saw her afterthat. junked my bag in ehr room and started talking some crap kindof things. decided on the ques and sms-ed hell lots of people. when some didnt even bother to reply. ): ate lunch while watching WATCH EAT, SPONGEBOB and afew others. very funny laaaa. and seriously, i really really really love bee hoon that alvi's maid cooks okay. its darned nice. :D ate 2 bowls of it. yeah. gonna go exercise some time soon. +) tried doing the charts, but ended up with a load of crap. cos both of us dont know how to do it. -.- gave up and watched THE EYE. hahah. at first not scary lor. the davina screamed. so i got a shocked and screamed. so did alvina. only certain parts were scary luh. counted with alvina water babies which was her brother's. altogether 1071! yayyyy. my math is superrrrrrrrr good. heh. bus-ed home after that.Tuesday, 10 Junemet valerie at heartland mall. went to macs and study study study. i hate hate hate math. it's a damn stupid subject that i dont even understand 50% of it. valerie had a qutie hard time explaining to me this and that and blah. lunch-ed. switched to chinese afterwards. i love chinese. :D had a superrrr hard time teaching valerie though. she damn pro leh. see her chinese and yoy'll know why. she's damn cute. (: study until dont wanna study already. so walk walk at heartland mall. mrt-ed to hougang mall. nothing much actually. went looking for bus interchange with valerie just becos of her 72. mrt-ed home afterthat. saw sonia lim while walking home. wonder who are those people with her ehs. nap-ed when home. dreamt of the same dream as yesterday night. damn creapy. valerie said that most prob it'll come true then. yuck lah. i then dont wanna it to come true. i'll just freak out if it does anyway. Wednesday, 11 June early in the morning sister's friends are here to study. stupid lah. my sleep got disturb. got nightmare again. :( and now on the comp. :D gonna practice my saxophone later! my sis calls it johny. hahha. and i see 11.11 now. someone's thinking of me huh? :DYLINGYI the NICEEEEEEEEE
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
havent been blogging for some time. gaaaaaaaaaaaaa! im getting really bored at home now luh! I love patriciaaaaaaaaa! she's damn sweet lah! and everyone shall be jealous of her superrrrrrr beauty cans! hahhaa, i bet anyone that knows her will agree! :D giselle just showed me smth damn stoopid and horrible. im sure wen jing will hate it too lah! *giselle, if anyone come ask you what thing uh, dont say ah!* tmr having band again. :) shit lah! must bring saxophone there. im seriously gonna have dificulty walking out again. /; i dont wanna have pt! :D i shall decide weather to be sick on that 2 days anot. heh. but i think my sister will just kill me. nothing else to blog about. yeahs. anyone wanna go to tehillim with me? sms me if want luh. Dont have my hp number go haunt BERNITA YEO QING YU. she'll tell you, with a slap. heh. YLINGYI the NICEEEEEEEEEE
Saturday, May 31, 2008

yesterday outing with celine, valerie, megan, olivia. was damn stoopid luhhh. didnt treat celine or megan anything. heh. super broke. yeahs. ate chicken lasagne from secret recipe. love it manzzsxs! celine keep saying i eat veh gross. but i was like enjoying my whole meal laaaa! ate ben and jerry's chocolate chip ice cream! nice nice! :D megan best luh. eat 2 somemore. the cone's disgusting. it has glue on it. and it taste damn weird. sucked up the ice cream to avoid eating the disgusting/gross cone. +) went into toys r us and fdid toopid things and played like some stoopid people. i found a gigantic barney! but too ex. so i shall wait till im out shopping with my mummy before i buy. :} walked around and things. watched narnia! was wacthing happy tree friends and listening to music for the first part. too boring! but the behind part's nice. :D mrt-ed home with olivia celine and the rest!
gonna have family gathering again. i think im gonna sleep superrrrrrrrrrr late again. and miss my chinese tuition again! yay yay! i love family gatherings! :DDD
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
IM SERIOUSLY VERY VERY BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!just unlocked blog. :D i bet many misses my blog. like bernita and olivia. :D had band on tuesday. quite okay. lunched with olivia before that. hahaha. a woman was damn funny. she had to share table with us cos not enough places. when her fish and chips came, she cut half, and took most of her fries and gave us. we were like huh?!! then she say ' it's a sin to waste food! i cant finish' so were like. okay lor. and instead of her sinning, become we sin ehs! cos i cant even finish my food luhhhh! met some sec 2. said high and smiled and left. walked around hlm. bus-ed one whole round and back to school. played and laughed on the bus. stoopid olivia dont wanna lend me her phone. D; brought back my saxophone! damn heavy lah. somemore needa walk home! arghhhhhhhhh/ but went home and blasted my sister's ears. heh. she played around with it too! i loveeeeeeeeeeee my saxophoneeeeeeeeeeeee! :DDD i know everybody's geetting jealous! heh. gonna go out with some people to vivo to celebrate megan's and celine's birthday! supposed to be on monday. but had band too. so yeah. postponed. ;} bernita cant wait for my blog to re-open! i know she's rotting in her house too. like me. hahaha. gonna go practice my silver creek now. buh-byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee world. and bernita, if you ever see this post, dont kill me alright. :D
Sunday, May 18, 2008
YAYYYYYYY! im back from camp! its superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lah! :D hehe/ I LOVE CLARICE AND JOANN! cos they love me too. and they're super nice people. yeahhhs. i bet everyone agrees. :D
Day oneeeeeeeee had singspiration. sang and jump like some crazy finatic. but of course with my clique too. :) played ice breaker and many more games! MY CLASS GOT THE HIGEST! wooohooooooooooos~ made flags and things. MY CLASS GOT THE HIGHEST AGAIN! woooohoooooos~ had bag check and things. quite funny. first time see mrs teo joke and laugh and things. bathed with valerie. HOWEVER, we faced different directions. WASHED MY HAIR IN THE BASIN. and shared ONEEEEEEEEE bucket of water. chiong-ed like siao. played doctor-patient game. almost died. but damn fun. :D made eleanor run away due to our SUPERRRRRRRR singing of the school song. /: should have video-ed it down! OUR CLASS GOT SECONDDDDDDDDD! YAY YAY! had singspiration. then supper, then wash up. was quite sleepy. but played with valerie and celine till quite late. heh. Day twooooooooooooowoke up at 6.20. found out that i rolled out of my sleeping bag and onto the floor. /:had 5BX. not that tough. breakfast, area cleaning. had singspiration again. quite fun still! :D briefing for sentosa. SET OUTTTTTT! it was super fun. we hanged our shoes onto our neck and ran around. EVERYONE WAS STARING. and we made a married guy wear a tag that says : I AM HOT. which is in a shape of bikini. laughed and laughed. then we found a man wearing necklace. took picture as usual. got a woman wearing braces. took photo too. the games of the sentosa was damn fun lahhhh! especially the first one. quite sick also. wanna know, come ask me. too many things already. :D chiong-ed back to school by MRT. slept on the MRT with valerie. and clarice go take our unglammmmmmmm! /: shall post it later so that you'll not get too bored ehs. reached school. was the 2nd group = 2nd for that game. :DDD bathed, dinner and then prepared for our PA night. was our turn. abit horrible in the forst part. but afterthat was quite good. :D the campfire is super pathetic. is not even fire. its just some orange, red, yellow strips of paper haning. with wind blowing. -.-" before sleeping, we were told that we can sleep till 10am. was darned happy. so went back to class, created our 1.7 chicken dance. played with valerie, celine, nicole, hong yu, ariessa, regina and practically the whole class. cos all of them love me what. heh. :D then miss quek came to sleep with us too. :) entered lalaland. Day threeeeeeeeeee
did loads of pumping, jumping jack and things. arghhhhh. had breakfast and things. today's food was quite nice. heh. played games. was rather fun lah. had lunch. ate till my hands got darned dirty. had area cleaning. went to track to clear the eggs. IT WAS COOKED. as in it stuck there and couldnt came out. till we used our hands. DAMN GROSS. cleaned our dorms. didnt do much. cos clarice and joann said me and nadia did and worked for the whole day like siao already. so rest. :D but i damn nice luhhh. went to help zoey they all. then ran up adn down. so kena teased by lee huang. -.-" went to the hall. singspiration and things. then at the ending part so touching lahh. melvin went to wash the leaders FEATS. i was totally shocked.
finally, OUR CLASS GOT OVERALL THIRDDDDDDDDD! yay yay! i thought will be like some stoopid award. yeahs. so was quite surprise. but mostly is the SL do and help us de. told you they're nice people!
PHOTOS.didnt take that many. mostly was from clarice's cam. wasnt allowed to bring my own cam. /:
ONEEEEEEEEEE SEVENNNNNNNNNN OH EIGHT. thats all. bye world. miss me more. gonna eat my mango and restore my energy now. && sorry for you having to go through such a long and boring post. :DYLINGYI the NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE